
I tied my hair up high ,let my fringe down , went to tuition like that. When i enter Mr. S house , everyone is there already. I was like omg , am i late? Mr S asked me did you note the wrong time? I feel so stupid and just enter his house. I thought he told me 2pm :( then he said change time already. I felt like wanna bang him.
Everyone go home by 4pm but im 6pm. after 4pm i was alone with M , felt so wth. M kept on bully me like usual, say my hair look funny -.- 6pm, class ended , Mr S told M to teman me go down and wait for my mum car. So he did , when we exit the door , i just walk to stair case. Then bla bla.
Night, when i was shopping , at the counter , i saw another na guy (guy that likes to be girl). He is so slim, nice body , black skin , hair tied high up in the sky. really omg , his friends also a na guy o-e'' talk like aunty.

-I wish i could spend more time with you :(