
Exam is coming up, making me more and more nervous. I must fight for it! To prove that im not a loser ;P Today i specially went to tuition ,shocking right? It was for the sake of exam. At tuition, M keep pinch my face again -.- Damm himm >:c I know youre tall but dont bully me la :( What a show off ._. M still ask me "am i handsome today? :o". -ignored- HAHA. Oh ya, i almost forgot about the REG hair cut . Im so unlucky get a crap hair , when i change it , i was like "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH MYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY GGGGGGOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDDD" -freaks- i know im too crazy. Mummy help me cut my fringe , and im still not use to it , my hair look so funny :( 

-i love you, you love me.
 we are happy family :)