
Morning, woke up at 9am and went to shower in a cold weather. So dam cold! But it smells good after shower :) After my breakfast and straight forward go to tuition. I feel kinda dizzy today and dont know why :/ English class, when i was answering number 8 , w said i think the answer is A , im so stupid and just follow what he says. Then when teacher mark my paper, number 8 is wrong , w laugh and said HAHA i tricked u ! i cant believe that u really follow for what i said! haha!!. I feel like hitting him but i cant , im too small and he's too big like hippo, wth so show off one him! -.-

Today also my bro girlfriend bday , and he gets to date her. argh so jealous lea! he gets to date her and yet show off me.

I heard the news about internet frens . It says that this girl that is 20 yrs old and were in love with this internet guy. When they meet up and that girl end up being abuse. That girl also very lame , she still give him six hundred as he requested. When i heard about it im so scared :( Anyone cheating me here? :/

*iloveyou :)