
Just back from cycling :) Its so hot outside, like an oven TT. Drinking tea right now, to refresh my mind. watching this photo makes me wanna roll around and LOL
I’m not sick. I’m just so sexy & hot that my temperature rose.
 -says the bf blog 

-listening U-kiss _ 0330 so nice! :D
C is had a cough and trying to make that sickness to us o-e'' C says " LETS SICK TOGETHER! c:<". We tried to avoid her cough blabla. L told me to skip extra class. argh i hate it when she said that , cause i need to walk back home :/ so far and yet so HOT , gonna get sunburn :( when we were on our way to the bus stop, L saw ice cream man and said she wanna buy. C face is like =.="",cause she got cough . We all ate ice cream except for C. I scold A that her bf keep disturb me an fb , then she said cause she was working. wth? gf go work then wan go find me for what?! .______. Her bf pisses me off, wanna kill him for snatching my A away from me >:( . But i cant , A go real for him -.-

-today late to publish cause i fell asleep when i was writing blog