
i cant sleep well last night, keep thinking about him ;( This early morning at sch everyone is so sleepy. So yea class starts and suddenly that geo teacher said got exam , wth? i didnt revise my geo o-e hm, nevermind.. random do then can already. today so boring and keep hearing the same thing from people bla bla.
w/e lets skip this.
Lunch, L made me want to eat instant noodles .___. My RM 3 fly away TT SO, we bring back our food to school and eat for it. After eating , i start reading my “小説” with L also. Its really hot during afternoon, makes me wanna take off my skirt. but ofcoz i didnt take off ._. just open abit my zip so i wont be VERY hot @@

-i miss babe alot TT