19.07.11 - Story

Let me tell u story its about this girl.
She usually gets alot of guys dating her. Those guys were not her "prefect guy" so she just play with them. Untill one day , she meets a guy that is almost her type of "prefect guy". So she confessed to him and he had the same feeling towards her. They are happy together. After a few months, that guy started to ignore her. She keep on asking 'why are u ignoring me?' He just ignore and said leave me alone. Now shes angry. She went back home and lie on the bed. She believes that this is just a dream. The next day , she go online and tries to find him to chat. he is online. They started to chat.

A: hiie dear <3
B: oh its you , hey.
A: whats wrong?
B: nothing, i just want to be alone.
A: why? can you tell me what just happened?
B: non of your business
A:Do you love me?
A: answer me!!
B:lets break up girl..
A: why?!
B: just do what i said..
A: fine!!

She is angry and went to sleep.The next day in the morning, she starting to cry. She said this in her heart.
" why did he leave me?! WHY!!! I dont get it but i really love him. why do guys like to play such feelings towards girls? ARGH! I must have revenge. I will make those guys how it feels to be dumped!!"

One month later...
A new guy tries to make her to love him. She thinks "hah , i can play with this guy and make him suffer!". So she just play along with him. Then they are together. untill the day came to make him suffer the pain. That night they were chating online.
B: hiiee my princess <3
A: heyy :)
B: what are you doing?
A: chating with you
B: Oh , iloveyou
A: ihateyou
B: you're joking right?
A: no, im not
B: stop with the jokes :(
A: No im really not lying!!
B: but why?
A: no reason , so lets just break up
B: .....no
-she offline-

Her heart was happy with joys.Her revenge was made. Now she is a Lessbian.