21.07.11 - Happy bday Y ! :)

Today is Y bday. Celebrated at school, it was all M plan :) They bought blueberry cake, mm yummy XD. L gave her "pig pig 豬" toy. i didnt get present for her T^T, i dont know what to buy for her. I asked her then she said buy me powerpuff girls panties LOL(she was joking).we celebrate it during recess.ps, she didnt know that we will celebrate her with cakes.
During recess, L tell me to make her not to come near the class. cause they were preparing the cake to surprise her. L also tell me not to let her buy ANYTHING in the canteen. So yea i did what she said.Y sat on the floor and said "where are they?". I dont know what to say but "i dont know". mami bring cake to Y then Y said omg -shy- haha. Sang bday songs and blow the cake.L so naughty she go play cream on people face ._. other people were staring at us,they must be wandering "crazy people". Its was so yea bla bla , im lazy to write .__________.

Feeling: mood , moody
Status: Happy bday Y :)