
ahaha,i recre8ted a new blog (aka this 1)
today, doing the same thing as usual wake up chg my clothe and went to tuition. when i went to tuition i heard mr saw(teacher) said that ah meng was injured.then all the students were like W-WHATT ?! . and i was like a statue and doing a face like -->o-e. and yeah he had a fight with his senior -.- mr saw also said he end up in the hospital.when he said finish the whole story, i was wondering how would he look like when he come to tuition. He showed up and not really deep wounds, just some wounds like a lil kid fell down from the floor.That made me relieved.Mr saw say when i tied my hair up look like my 2nd lil bro and i was like -->o-e then i said i think i should go and be a guy or a TB.

During night time, i was about to shower. i found my closet keys are gone. i freaked out and keep find it every where. then i thought about who would wanna steal my keys since they are just nothing but KEYS. i think its my 2nd lil bro who took it. so i went to his room and check his desk whether if my keys are there.i checked and there was no sign of my keys. but then i saw some papers that were found in his desk. Its was some letters that some girls wrote it to my lil bro. I had nothing to do so i gehpo for awhile. so i read all the letters that its in there. It was about that girl confessed to her and tell her what is happening in the class.

Feeling: mood , moody , mood abit
Emotion: Lonely
Status: i miss u babe :(